Legal health

99% of people and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aren’t aware of everything they can claim. Nor the protection level of their interests. By simply answering a few questions, you’ll find out. In less than 99 seconds. You’ll receive a tailor-made diagnostic report.

I want to know my diagnosis

What is your legal health?

The more we get to know you, the better we can protect your interests and the more money we can get back for you.

Prevention is better than cure. When you go to your GP you don’t know your diagnosis until it’s given to you. We don’t expect you to know all of your legal, tax, accounting, or similar rights and interests. Or, in other words, your legal health.

A full check-up of your situation

The best prescription for good legal health is to claim, protect and prevent.

  • Claim

    You’ll find out everything you are entitled to compensation for. You may get back money you weren’t expecting.

  • Protect and prevent

    You’ll know if you have any other legal, tax, accounting or similar matters to resolve. And how to fix them and avoid penalties in the future.

Why should I know my legal health status?

To live in peace knowing that all of your affairs are in order

This way you’ll know you have no pending tax obligations. Or any other issues pending. That you are not losing money. And that none of your rights are at risk.

Your rights are upheld and respected

You have no pending issues

Your tax obligations are covered

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Your interests are completely protected

And what if my legal health is poor?

It means you should act as soon as possible

This way you’ll protect yourself from future fines. You’ll defend your rights. And you won’t miss out on the chance to claim money you shouldn’t have paid in the first place and belongs to you.

You have money to recover

You have pending procedures

Your tax obligations are not covered

Your interests are not completely covered

How can I get a good score?

Once you’ve answered the questions, you’ll receive a report with everything you can do to improve your legal health. We aim to make the process easy, comfortable and affordable for you.

  • We’ll claim your money back

    If you don’t win, you won’t pay our fees. We’ll be in touch at least once a month with an update on your claim. You will always have access through your account. And if you have a strong case, we’ll pay your compensation upfront.

  • We’ll manage your affairs

    Paperwork, tax obligations and other procedures. You’ll be able to resolve everything with us in a simple, quick and safe way. In some cases, free of charge.

  • You are in control

    Where and when you want. All the steps to file your claim and carry out your procedures are 100% online.

You’re about to find out your legal health

In less than 99 seconds. With no cost or obligation

Have any of your flights been delayed over the past 5 years?

Do you have or have you ever had a mortgage

Do you have or have you ever had a credit card that allows you to defer purchases (revolving credit)?

Did you buy, lease, or rent a car between 2006 and 2013 in Spain?

Do you have a Spanish loan that includes payment protection insurance?

How our clients see us

I want to know more about Legal Health

It’s free. You just have to answer a few questions. You’ll receive a personalised diagnostic report. It will tell you everything you can do to defend your rights and put all your affairs in order.

You won’t need to check any documents. And it will take you less than 99 seconds.

The questions are designed for your responses. An issue that affects another person may not affect you. That’s why it’s best to complete the form individually. And that way you’ll be sure on whether all of your affairs are in order.
